Monday, June 23, 2008

My Last Week In Celcom

Mixed feelings.......joyous yet sad to leave Celcom...So many memories which includes me to be engaged to my wife,Liza. Our eyes first met in the Kelly Services office in Kuala Lumpur. I didn't know that she will going to be my life partner. I'm so happy to be her husband. I made so many friends here and it will very hard to leave.....I'll sure miss everybody....


Adawiyah Junoh on June 25, 2008 at 2:47 PM said...

sian saya, keseorangan. saper nk cover nnt nie kalo abg nizam xde? huhuhu. Igt2kan sy sokmo!! Neno3x

p/s: kak liza jgn marah ha.. ;)

w.a.w.a on June 26, 2008 at 3:09 PM said...

huhuhuhuh :(

JuSTin♥cHaoS^guRL on June 27, 2008 at 10:46 AM said...

xmor le sedey2.....nnt on9 gmail yek??kite sembang2...hahahaha

Anonymous said...

mmg arr celcom ni bkn tempat mencari rezeki tapi tempat mencari jodoh..hehehe..aku pun bercinte dgn den kat celcom hahaha..dr musuh jd sayang lak..kik kik kik
P/S:xmor le sedey2.....nnt on9 gmail yek??kite sembang2...hahahaha

June 27, 2008 10:46 AM

mmg arr ko tak sedey dah laki ko keje sebelah ko hampess tul

ZY Consultant Agency on June 28, 2008 at 7:18 PM said...

abis la
family rider berkurangan...
susah nak rekruit budak budak baru..
tinggal aku ngan anong je la!!!!

JuSTin♥cHaoS^guRL on July 2, 2008 at 11:38 AM said...

do not worry my fellow Rider.....Once a rider....always a Rider.....Henshin!!

LiXa the Mama Alya on July 2, 2008 at 12:29 PM said...

chet podah!


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