Thursday, June 19, 2008


Because I've been tagged so I gotta do this. Lets start the tagged session!!
****The Rules :
1. Each bloggers must post these rules first.
2. Each bloggers will start with 8 random habits/facts about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of the blog entry, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog, telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog.
1. Loves to cook
This is very true. I don't know why but I like spending my time in the kitchen. I even like to create new recipes. Its kinda a very relaxing moment for me when I'm in the kitchen even it's humid & hot in herrrrr....

2. Loves to eat
This is another habit of mine. I'm a food junkie. My favourite is spicy food, whatever the cuisine. I love to go to different restaurants to savour different taste.

3. Loves to watch AFC & Discovery Travel N' Living
My favourite channel in Astro. You wanna know why? Coz I can watch my bro, Jamie Oliver cookin' up a storm in his kitchen or in his camper van or even in the wild. He's such a talented cook. My other favs are Anthony Worhol Thompson in Daily Cooks, Anthony Bourdain; an exec chef of La Halles in New York, & the grill master, Robert Rainford from License To Grill.

4. Big Fan of Kamen Rider
I can't deny this one. This is one of my favourite. Something about this Japanese Tokusatsu that reeled me in. I like their costumes, their characters, their storyline. It's very creative. HENSHIN!!!!!

5. Love Japanese Drama, Animes & Japanese Songs
This is another crush. I've come to like anything Japanese when I'm in college. My first Jap. favourite is Utada Hikaru. Then comes in Ayumi Hamasaki, Cagnet, Takashi Soramachi & so much more. My first anime was Samurai X. Among my favourite JDrama are Pride, Mukodono 2003, Otoson & Queen Of Lunch Time.

6. Like To Mimic Voices & Sounds
This is a very annoying habit of mine to mimic other peoples' voices & sounds. This will irritate my wife very much. Sorry darling♥

7. Loves Drums
Hahahahaha.....This is a funny story. Because I can't afford to buy drum kits, I used to imagine that I have one by playing "Air Drum". I wish to own the Tama Albino Monster Kit. It is so awsome.

8. Loves Action Flicks
Among the movies that I like to watch, my favourites are action flicks. Among the action characters that I like includes Blade by Wesley Snipes, Elektra by Jennifer Garner, Crying Freeman by Mark Dacascos & so much more. Not to forget the stars from the east which includes Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen, Nicholas Tse, Shawn Yue & Cheng Ekin.

That concludes my tagged session. Now it's my turn to turn the tables...

My 8 choices are :

1. My cutie wife :
2. Mama Yeen :
3. Adawiyah :
4. Wawa :
5. Susan :
6. Feena :
7. Azizi :
8. Eddie :

To the guys that have been tagged, don't be dodgy & start posting....hehehe ☻


w.a.w.a on June 19, 2008 at 11:25 AM said...

unfortunately i did that oredy..

JuSTin♥cHaoS^guRL on June 19, 2008 at 2:41 PM said...

alar ke??baru nk rasa syok main tag tag nih...aku nk main smart tag plak larr cmnih

ZY Consultant Agency on June 20, 2008 at 1:17 AM said...

aku nye no lapan ni....
kurang paham le
pe kaitan nye
cik nizam cite sikit!!


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