Sunday, June 8, 2008

Congratulations To My Friends☺

For my post today, I would like to congratulate some of friends who got married & engaged yesterday.

1) Umar Hamzah & Sal Hafiza Bugam - Sorry we can't make it to your wedding. Liza was not well & couldn't get up from the bed. We'll come & visit you one day ☺

2)Mohamad Azimi Chin Mohamad Azali Chin (Jimi) & Roslaili Abu Bak (Ely) - Finally, you got married bro! We'll come to your reception later in Bentong. We'll bring an army from Celcom later.....hehehe

3)Anong & his fiancee - This fella got engaged yesterday. I just know about it when a text came in last evening. Satu kaki dah masuk, bila mau masuk lagi satu kaki? Hahahahha



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